It is one of those things that go well with cold weather, feeling happy, cozy moments, lazy Sunday afternoons, etc.
What: 2 lbs of yogurt (use at least 2%)
one clove of garlic
a pinch of rice
a tablespoon of cornstarch
some salt
dried mint
Put the yogurt through a metal strainer directly in the pot. Force it through with a spoon. Add to the pot the cornstarch that was mixed in a small cup of water. Place pot over medium heat and STIR, and STIR and STIR. After 5 minutes add the salt and the rice, and KEEP STIRRING until you see bubbles, or it has started boiling. This will take about 20 minutes (yes you need to stir this whole time). Then, you can turn to low heat and keep it on until rice is cooked.
Fill a bowl, sprinkle some crushed dried mint on top, and ENJOY!
(of course in Lebanon, you would eat this soup with many things in it - my favorite is Shish Barak or Lebanese Raviolis - which are meat filled little ''hats'' ... but that is for another day)....
